A plan to progress end-of-life vehicle management has been announced by the FCAI and MTAA. CarTakeBack has long campaigned for a more sustainable approach to car recycling and welcome their recommendations…
Read MoreCarTakeBack recycles as much of every scrap vehicle as it can. Here’s 10 key car components that can be recycled…
Read MoreThe average scrap car price falls by just 2% in August. Find out more and compare scrap car values in our August update…
Read MoreAverage scrap car prices rise for the second consecutive month! Compare scrap car prices and more in our July update…
Read MoreAverage scrap car prices rise in June by 1.5%. Compare the average scrap car prices, and find out more in our June update…
Read MoreAverage scrap car prices drop by less than 1% in May. Compare scrap car prices, and find out more in our latest update…
Read MorePrices yo-yo as April sees an increase to scrap car prices. Plus some makes of car are worth considerably more! Find out more in our price update…
Read MoreWhile effective car recycling is key to the future success of an environmentally responsible car industry, making cars more sustainable goes beyond recycling them at the end of their life. Long-term progress is coming from the manufacturers that are turning their businesses into true circular economies. We take a look at the companies using environmentally-friendly materials in the production of their new cars.
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